Rowledge Tennis Club

Adult Coaching
Servers and Returners
A session aimed at new players or players returning to the game. The session goes through the basics of the game and begins to link them into game scenarios without feeling too competitive.
Drills and Matchplay Sessions
This session involves a variety of drills and exercises that will work on a range of areas within the doubles game with an opportunity to put the new techniques and tactics into practice in a game situation.
Adult sessions are booked on a weekly basis and can be booked on the Return Tennis app.
Junior Coaching
We run high quality junior coaching for ages 3-17 years after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. To book or view the sessions available please download our Return Tennis booking app available on the App Store or Google Play. Please contact Head Coach Matt Marlow @ info@returntennis.co.uk to discuss the most suitable for your child and to set up a free taster session.
Tots Tennis
Ages 3-4 years old – Fun skills session designed to work on the key fundamentals of tennis including balance, agility and coordination as well reception and sending skills.
Junior Squads
Ages 11 and above – Players improve their tactical and technical skills to allow them to play both competitively and socially.
Mini Red
Ages 5-8 years old – Tennis played on small courts with smaller rackets and bigger tennis balls. This allows the players to learn the game on a smaller scale developing their ability to rally and move like a tennis player.
Mini Orange
Ages 8-9 years old – Played on ¾ of the court with softer balls which allows the players to develop their tactics further and improve their understanding of how to play matches.
Mini Green
Ages 9-10 years old – Full court tennis with slightly slower tennis balls to allow the players to develop their technical and tactical play. This stage is the final transition to the faster yellow ball.

Head Coach: Matt Marlow
Club Coach: Alex Beattie